Although Montessori schools are non-competitive, the playing of sport and games is encouraged, with fundamental movement and game skills specifically taught from 4.5 years, in line with Australian Curriculum Guidelines.
Class Fitness and Sport Classes - Middle and Upper Primary classes have regular morning fitness sessions and a specialist sport teacher takes each class once per week. Junior Primary also undertakes weekly Sport lessons and more regular gross motor development activities
Class Surfing Lessons - Our School is committed to surfing lessons for our Upper Primary students (with other options if necessary).
Sport Clubs - Olly and Joel run lunchtime school sporting clubs from time to time; socccer, touch rugby, cricket and more.
Annual Lapathon Carnival - Cross country running and beating your personal best while fundraising for a good cause is what our Lapathon is all about. This is a super fun day with lots of parent involvement and smiling faces.
Free play every day - We have a great range of Kidsafe approved specialised play equipment that promotes climbing, balance, challenge, safe risk, problem solving, gross motor development, core strength and more. Survey results have shown our school provides the highest amount of free play time per week when compared to all other local schools!