Margaret River Montessori School's central philosophy is to 'prepare students for life'. In line with our Mission and Vision to prepare adolescents for adulthood and the real world, the high school program immerses our students in purposeful learning by 'employing' the local community and the natural environment as 'teachers' and linking with local orgnisations to provide students with real life experts and industry experience from a range of fields. Partnering with indivudals and businesses within the region will supplement special programs and projects alongside the provision of their teachers/guides who cover face to face learning for core subject areas.
We believe students benefit greatly from this multi-dimensional approach to learning and the opportunities for mentoring, experiential learning and development of intergenerational relationships. We thus aim at creating the right learning environment where adolescents can develop a sense of belonging and feel safe.
Maria Montessori's philosophy referred to the adolescent years as a time for 'social mission', meaning that indiviudals are eager to understand humanity and learning from and about one another to discover what it takes to maintain thriving social relationships and develop an understanding of the contribution they can make to society.
The academic program is based on the National Montessori Curriculum for ages 12-18 and is aligned to the WA K-10 Curriculum and Assessment Outline, as already approved by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). Students will have access to both vocational and university pathways when they reach Year 11 aand 12.
"Above all it is the education of adolescents that is important, because adolescence is the time when the child enters on the state of [adulthood] and becomes a member of society." Maria Montessori, From Childhood to Adolescence.
For more information see the updates and links below.
Information Package for Prospective Families
New site for MRMS Adolescent Program
MR Montessori High School News June 2022
MR Montessori High school News Aug 2022